Mechabot in Critical Condition / Mechamato Review Episode 3

Sabtu, 11 Desember 2021, 14:59 - 1 Menit, 1 Detik Membaca

Mechabot in Critical Condition / Mechamato Review Episode 3

Episode 3 – Broadcast Date: Saturday, December 11, 2021 14:00

Amato and Pian were shocked while they’re see a Duck-shaped Robot which became aggresive and trying to attack them. Amato and Mechabot then fight with that Duck robot and the Duck lose fight and it was evacuated by Amato to Amato’s robotic warehouse.

But, something’s wrong with Mechabot. He became in critical and damaged condition thus made Amato and Pian bring Mechabot to a laboratorium which they believe that it could restore and fix Mechabot.

Amato and Pian encountered a ‘Fist Block Robot’ and they’re unable to fight with that robot since Mechabot damaged and Amato is powerless without his buddy Mechabot which in critical condition. But the great thing Mechabot still able to fight with that Fist Block Robot and he still want to Mechanize with Amato. The excess of his great fight between the Fist Robot became Mechabot fatally damaged.

Meanwhile, Amato put Mechabot in a pod that could increase and recharge Mechabot’s energy. And the Fist Block Robot turned into a Giant Block Robot and he supported and concerned about Mechabot’s condition, so he decide to give Mechabot energy with his ‘sun outage’ powers. Thus Mechabot now well and now he’s fine, and Amato proud of that and thanked to the Giant Block Robot who fixed Mechabot.

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