Dangerous Challenge From This Evil Robot / Mechamato Review Episode 4

Minggu, 12 Desember 2021, 15:18 - 1 Menit, 29 Detik Membaca

Dangerous Challenge From This Evil Robot / Mechamato Review Episode 4

Episode 4 – Broadcast Date: Sunday, December 12, 2021 14:00

Mr Jamie disappears and the Rintis Island Primary School students were confused about his late absence on the class. Amato along with his schoolmates Deep and Mara decide to check how’s Mr Jamie conditions. And suddenly they’re trapped in a library and AmaZeey, the evil robot who like to make challenges, give them some challenge in a game called ‘AmaZeey Labyrinth’ which consits of three rounds.

Round 1 is called ‘AmaZeey Library Challenge’ which Amato, Deep and Mara tasked to find a book which it’s a secret, otherwise the bookshelves will squeeze them and trapping them forever. Mara managed to found the book that it’s called ‘It’s a Secret’ which made Amato and Deep seems surprised.

Round 2 later called ‘AmaZeey Hall Challenge’ which the three should run in a moving wall school corridor hall. Amato used the advantage of Mechabot’s Mechanize which he and Mechabot turned into a bunch of chair that transformed into a vehicle.

Round 3, which called ‘AmaZeey Gymnastic Challenge’, consists of explanations from AmaZeey that Mr Jamie along with Amato’s sidekick Pian is tied and they’re gonna deep-fried in a cooking oil by AmaZeey. To stop AmaZeey, Amato and Mechabot should pass the obstacle with sharp objects in one minute otherwise Mr Jamie and Pian would be cooked. Mechamato which transformed into ‘robo-monkey’, used the advantage of throwing the ball at AmaZeey thus stopping him from kill Mr Jamie and Pian. After AmaZeey knockout, AmaZeey admitted Amato is good at doing challenges and congratulate him and his two classmates Deep and Mara. Mechabot than scanned AmaZeey into Amato’s robot collection.

At the end of the episode, even though Mr Jamie is appointed by Amato and his friends, he still punishes Amato and Mechabot for bringing Mechabot to school and is considered not to attend class.

Bago Go from Boboiboy appeared as a cameo in this episode.

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